Beautification & Sustainability:

We believe in creating and maintaining quality parks in Newport that are accessible to all neighborhoods and residents of all ages.

What We’ve Done:

Clark Park: We own and operate the park located at 330 East 10th Street in Newport, Clark Park. We acquired this land in 2020 that used to be the former Clark Gas Station that was then a long-time vacant lot when we acquired it. It is now a public park in Newport for all to use that we continue to own and operate.

Buena Vista Park: Over the years, incremental changes and improvements have been made to Buena Vista Park in West Newport, including new picnic tables, repairs to the shelter and the new public fitness court at the park. We are continuing these improvements with the currently under construction expansion of the park, converting an attached vacant gravel lot into greenspace to expand the footprint of the park by about 6,000 square feet, expanding the walking trail and adding new amenities. You can view drawings of the new space here: Buena Vista Park Drawing

Street Trees: Working with our friends in the Westside Citizens Coalition, we have been able to expand the urban tree canopy coverage in West Newport by planting over 600 street trees throughout the neighborhood with a goal of planting 100 new trees each year.