What We Do

Economic Development

ReNewport’s Economic Development Team works in collaboration with the City of Newport and the Newport Business Association to help make Newport a better place to start or grow your business. You can find the Economic Development Team creating business promotion events, sponsoring business facade improvements, and providing business fundraising for community fundraisers for other ReNewport projects.


ReNewport’s Housing Team works with our partners to continue advocating for equitable and affordable housing options as well as implementing new, innovative initiatives such as our low-income homeowner repair program.


ReNewport’s Education Team works regularly with Newport Independent School System to identify areas of need within the school district, innovative improvement strategies and identifying ways the community can be a partner in those strategies.


ReNewport’s Transportation Team is working on a new bicycle transportation plan for the city to ensure a safer, more walkable and bikeable city. Outside of working on the plan, you will see the team organizing and hosting community bike rides throughout the city.

Beautification & Sustainability

ReNewport’s Parks and Beautification Team works year-round to make Newport a more beautiful and enjoyable place to live. You can find the Parks and Beautification Team organizing community tree planting, building pocket parks throughout the city, and creating amazing public art installations.

Health & Wellness

ReNewport’s Health, Wellness, and Safety Team, also known as LiveWell Newport works to provide a safer and healthier community. You can find the Health, Wellness, and Safety Team organizing community workouts, creating partnerships with local healthcare organizations, collaborating with the local police and fire departments, and bringing fun health/safety projects to Newport.


ReNewport works very hard to provide funding for tons of different types of projects in the Newport community. Some of our funding is dedicated to fund YOUR projects. If you have an idea for a community project, or any project in Newport, we would love to help you achieve your funding goal to bring that project to life. Apply for the Newport Business Facade Grant or the ReNewport Mini-Grant today!